The only important thing about design is how it relates you
to your

The implemented projects have one task - to introduce your services and products to the world of the Internet in the most effective way

Recepie for a successful business.

The implemented projects have one task – to introduce your services and products to the world of the Internet in the most effective way

Designes that catch attencion

Simple solutions for Website

Light content

make your business easier and faster!

Only Best Features!

With us everything is possible, adjustable and just simple.

Compatible layout

Take advantage of the solutions used by major corporations and success companies. Uniformity of the brand is very important in relation to building the company's image.


The project does not have to be complicated, it is important that it promotes your brand in an effective and adapted to your needs

Premium Support

Each client, regardless of size and resources, deserves help and support during this difficult period, which is why we have launched a fast response channel for our clients. Thanks to this you have the opportunity to get answers to your questions and doubts.

Live & simple Customizer

Creating websites and blogs based on CMS or intuitive tools for creating live pages that do not require any technical knowledge to operate them

Online Shop

In the face of the global pandemic crisis, the sale of products and services via the internet has become an unavoidable civilization requirement and online payments are a way to take precautions.

SAFE & READY to use

Due to the specifics of online operations, our services are based on the tools of the largest companies that guarantee smooth operation and security. We strive to make our services safe for your customers.

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

Steve Jobs

The key to success is simplicity

ease of use and intuitiveness

FAQ - Questions?

How much does it cost to create a website?

Each site is slightly different. We prepare the valuation individually according to the client’s needs and the technical specification of the work. The pricing is influenced by elements such as the number of functions on the website, the number of sub pages or the overall design and innovation.

  1. Simple Website: £450

    • This package includes the development of a basic website with essential features and functionality.
  2. Enhanced Online Presence: £600

    • In addition to the simple website, this package includes the setup of a Google Business Page, Facebook Business Page, and Instagram account. It ensures a comprehensive online presence across these platforms.
  3. Small Online Store: £800 – £1500

    • This package is designed for businesses looking to establish a small online store. It includes Google Pixel and Facebook Pixel integration for effective tracking and analytics. Additionally, it provides online payment integration to facilitate smooth transactions. The price range reflects the varying complexity and customization requirements of the store.
  4. Comprehensive Website Management and Maintenance: Pricing based on scope

    • For businesses requiring ongoing website management, updates, and maintenance, we offer a WWW Care package tailored to your specific needs. The pricing is based on the work required, ensuring a customized approach that suits your website’s size and complexity.
  5. Big Online Store: Pricing based on scope

    • If you have a large-scale online store with extensive functionality and advanced features, we offer customized solutions to meet your unique requirements. The pricing for this package is determined based on the specific work needed to develop and maintain your big online store.

Please note that the prices mentioned above are estimates and can vary based on additional features, customization, and specific client requirements. We encourage you to contact us for a detailed consultation to determine the exact cost based on your business needs.

How long will it take to implement the website?

The more complicated the project – the longer this time. However, a lot depends on the client – the number of corrections.
Typically a “standard” site can created in about one to two weeks.

Will I get help with my server / domain?

Yes. We help to register and configure these services as part of the work on the website.

Domain and server (1st year only) is included in the package price.

Do I make any advance payments?

After accepting the project and the valuation, depending on the complexity of the project, we can issue a proforma invoice or ask for an advance payment of up to 50%

To ensure a smooth website release (going live) and to maintain security, passwords and full control of website will only be provided upon receiving full payment.

We're here for you!

e-SimpleMarketing is fast, based on free or affordable tools, pictures and customized graphic designs – that you can edit without any trouble after it’s set up.

It’s cost-smart and effective way to introduce your products and services – ONLINE

As we spent more time on working with various clients, we have implemented many cool features to our offer, that our clients suggested.

Get in touch!